Jun 23, 2023 10:00:00 AM | 8 Min Read

How to Support Children During Exam Time

How to Support Children During Exam Time

Exams hold a significant place in our education system. They serve as tools that assess a child's comprehension of the subjects they're learning, fostering more than just academic growth. Alongside teaching children about discipline, time management, and the fruits of dedicated effort, exams also help develop resilience and coping mechanisms in the face of stress. The question that arises then is why is it so important to provide support to children during these pivotal periods?

How to Support Children During Exam TimeThe Importance of Exams

Exams function as critical milestones in a child's educational journey. They not only act as benchmarks for tracking academic progress but also provide a mirror reflecting the child's understanding and grasp of various subjects. Most crucially, exams often represent a child's initial encounters with pressure situations. In these moments, your support as a parent or guardian becomes an invaluable asset.

Why Supporting Children is Essential

During exam times, children can experience a complex range of emotions, from anxiety and stress to fear of underperforming or not meeting expectations. As parents or guardians, your role isn't limited to providing academic guidance; you must offer emotional and psychological assistance to help support children during exam time and navigate these challenging periods.

Understanding the Stress of Exams

Exam stress is a tangible issue that can significantly impact a child's performance and overall well-being. It's a phenomenon that requires understanding and acknowledgment, to equip your child with effective management strategies.

How to Help Your Child Prepare for Exams

How to Support Children During Exam TimeSetting Up A Study Schedule

A well-planned study schedule can transform the study experience. Such a timetable isn't just about ticking off covered topics; it's about efficient time management, avoiding last-minute panic, and ensuring a comprehensive revision of the curriculum. A schedule ensures that all subjects receive adequate attention, balancing strengths and weaknesses.

Creating A Conducive Study Environment

The environment in which your child studies can greatly affect their focus and retention capabilities. A quiet, well-lit room with minimal distractions is the ideal scenario. But remember, everyone's optimal study environment is different. Some children might prefer a bit of background noise, while others might need complete silence. The key is to find out what works best for your child.

Encouraging Healthy Study Habits

Developing healthy study habits is crucial for effective learning. Promote regular breaks to prevent burnout and encourage active learning techniques such as flashcards, mind maps, or teaching someone else to consolidate understanding. Discourage rote learning and promote understanding concepts. Remember, it's about the quality of study, not the quantity.

Using Resources Effectively

Guide your child on how to use various resources effectively. This includes textbooks, online materials, revision guides, and practice papers. Teach them how to take effective notes and highlight key points, which can significantly aid revision later.

Psychological Support During Exam Time

How to Support Children During Exam TimeEmotional support during exams is as crucial as academic guidance. Regular conversations about how they're feeling, understanding their concerns, and reassuring them that it's okay to feel stressed can alleviate their worries. Remind them that their worth is not defined by their exam results.

Importance of Balanced Nutrition During Exam Time

A balanced diet is a brain's fuel. Consuming nutritious food can boost memory and concentration, so ensure your child is eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and staying hydrated. Avoid excessive caffeine and junk food, which can lead to energy crashes.

The Role of Physical Activity in Reducing Exam Stress

Physical activity is a potent stress buster. Whether it's playing a sport, going for a walk, or practicing yoga, encourage your child to engage in some form of exercise daily. Regular physical activity promotes better sleep, improves mood, and increases energy levels, all of which can significantly improve study effectiveness.

Encouraging Good Sleep Habits

Sleep is the unsung hero of exam preparation. It's during sleep that the brain consolidates learned information, moving it from short-term to long-term memory. Hence, ensuring your child gets adequate, quality sleep is essential for their academic performance. Encourage a regular sleep schedule and a wind-down routine before bed.

Dealing with Exam Results

Handling Success

Support children during exam timeCelebrations are in order when your child does well, but remember to focus on the effort they put in, not just the outcome. Remind them that while their achievements are significant, their worth isn't defined by their academic success.

Handling Disappointment

In instances where your child doesn't perform as expected, remind them that it's okay to feel upset. Encourage them to see these moments as opportunities to learn and improve rather than as failures. Support them in identifying their weak areas and coming up with a plan for improvement.

Instilling A Positive Attitude Towards Exams

Help your child view exams as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a threat or a source of stress. Encourage a growth mindset, where the focus is on learning and improvement rather than grades. Ultimately, their character is what will determine they way they react to high pressure situations and a strong character will help them enormously. 


The best way to support children during exam time involves a delicate balance of academic guidance, emotional support, and lifestyle management. Remember, your ultimate aim should be to help them develop a healthy attitude towards exams and learning in general, rather than just aiming for high grades. With the right support and approach, exams can become less daunting, and success, however one defines it, will be within reach.


  1. How can I motivate my child during exam time? Motivation comes from recognising effort, not just results. Remind your child of their strengths, how far they've come, and the growth they've made. Celebrate small victories and progress, and most importantly, ensure they know you're proud of them, regardless of their exam results.

  2. My child gets very nervous before exams. How can I help? Reassure them that it's completely normal to feel nervous. Help them with relaxation techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or even mindfulness meditation. Encourage them to visualise success and maintain a positive attitude.

  3. How can I help my child overcome fear of a particular subject? Firstly, understand why your child fears that subject. Is it because they find it difficult or because they had a bad experience related to it? Once you know the root cause, you can tackle it more effectively. If needed, get help from a tutor or use online resources to make the subject more engaging and understandable.

  4. How much sleep should my child get during exam time? Sleep is crucial for effective learning and memory consolidation. Aim for 8-10 hours of sleep per night for your child. It might be tempting to stay up late and study, but sacrificing sleep for extra study time can be counterproductive.

  5. How often should my child take breaks during study time? The brain can only focus effectively for a certain period. Taking a short break every 45-60 minutes can help maintain concentration and productivity. These breaks can be a quick walk, a snack, or even a few minutes of relaxation.

Want to learn which area of your child's life needs the most support? Take our Breakthrough Area Assessment now.

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Topics: Parenting, Teens, School

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